BMF - Schreiben vom 16.03.2006
IV B 7 - S 2742 a - 6/06

BMF - Schreiben vom 16.03.2006 (IV B 7 - S 2742 a - 6/06) - DRsp Nr. 2008/89907

BMF, Schreiben vom 16.03.2006 - Aktenzeichen IV B 7 - S 2742 a - 6/06

DRsp Nr. 2008/89907

allgemeine Vorschriften: Englische Fassung der Bescheinigung im Sinne der Rn. 5 des BMF-Schreibens vom 22. Juli 2005 (BStBl 2005 I S. 829).

In der Anlage übersendet das BMF eine amtliche Übersetzung des mit den obersten Finanzbehörden des Bundes und der Länder abgestimmten Musters einer Bescheinigung im Sinne der Rn. 5 des BMF-Schreibens vom 22. Juli 2005 (BStBl 2005 I S. 829).

Bank/Savings Bank town Telephone: telefax Postal address: Bank/Savings Bank town Town, date
Certification for presentation to the Tax Office for the purposes of Section 8a of Germany’s Corporation Tax Law
You have asked ……… („Bank/Savings Bank”) to issue a Certification for presentation to the Tax Office for the purposes of the Corporation Tax Law.The declaration should only be issued at the request of the Borrower on the occasion of the conclusion of one of the legal transactions mentioned (loan etc.) by the Bank/Savings Bank; furthermore, it must be issued spontaneously by the issuer of the original Certification whenever any change is made in the contract or in the securities which have been provided. We hereby declare that regarding the mixed limit/loan/short-term operating credit line ……… (contract number; loan number; account number) of ……… (date of the conclusion of the contract) in the amount